Thermic calculations
Basic rules for cartridge
Adjustment of the CCHC
Mould heating example
Heat loss by natural convection



Example of calculation
of power in order to heat a steel mould.

Technical data > Thermic calculations > Mould heating example > Calculation of the thermal balance

1. Necessary power for the setting of the temperature of the mould
and the plates in 45 min.



F = 3711 W

Where :

M      = mass of the mould and the plates in kg
       = volume in dm3 x density
       = [(1,5 x 2,5 x 1,5) + 2 x (2,5 x 4 x 0,5)] x 7,87
       = 122,9 kg

Cp     = specific heat of steel
         = 0,11 kcal/kg.K

DT     = rise in temperature
         = 200 – 20 = 180°C

0,86   = coefficient of conversion kcal/h in Watt

ts       = time of starting-up = 0,75 heure